Tuesday, May 5, 2015


          If I were able to add a class to our school curriculum, I would add criminology. Although Wood-Ridge High School does offer forensic science, criminology is a completely different class. Criminology is concerned with the social and psychological aspect of crimes rather than scientific aspects. Students will study topics such as causes of crimes, effects of crimes on society, criminal profiling, and types of crimes.  To demonstrate their understanding of each of these aspects, real crimes will be studied and reproduced. Data from these crimes will be compiled and analyzed to conclude how each particular crime effected society and the individual. As a final project, a crime produced in class, giving the students roles individual roles, will be carried out and solved.
        The class would meet three times a week for an hour at a time. This will allow for more time for learning, the recreation of crimes, and for recollection of classes. Possibly, a crime can be set up to involve both the forensic science and criminology students. In this case the criminology students would be responsible for interrogations, interviews, and behavioral analysis.

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