Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Social Bookmarking Discussion Questions

  1. 1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
  2.  Another way to organize and store information on your computers is through folders.

  3. 2.What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
  4. From researching the topic above I learned things such as different opinions on the legalization of marijuana, the NHL playoff standings, and different ways to utilize social media within the classroom. 

  5. 3.What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  6. Other social bookmarking apps/ websites include Reddit, Metafilter, and Delicious. 
  8. 4.Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
  9. I may continue to use social bookmarking as it may be beneficial while in college. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Do Now: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~Mahatma Gandhi

Every year there are dozens of murders, homocides, deaths inflicted by other human beings. This makes me want to do something to help. My goal is to graduate from college with a degree in criminology. This will allow mw to help to fight to understand and cotrol killers and those who are mentally ill, resulting in them killing. Not only will I fufill my goal of becoming a criminologist, but I will also be helping other in trying to make the cities and town they live in safer. I will be able to utalize my knowledge in topics that interest me to make a difference. 

RSS Assignment Discission Questions

1, I chose the website that I did because those where the government agencies that I was familiar with, those are the news website that I use to complete my weekly tech articles, and I chose five website sin which I have personal interests.

2. I found it difficult to locate the RSS feeds on many of the websites but once I located the feeds it was easy to subscibe to them.

3. My favorite sites were my personal ones specifically the website for SUNY Cortland athletics and volleyball.

4. RSS feeds can also be used to see as websites update and relase new information and also allowes for easy acess to this updated information.

5. I probably will not use RSS feeds in the fututre because I have no need for them. Maybe in college I will benefit from RSS feeds but for now they are not needed.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Invisible Cloak Good Deed

     If I was chosen to wear an invisibility cloak for a day, I would there is one specific good deed that I would preform.  I would walk around New York City and give food to every homeless person I saw. Rather than give them money I would give them food.  In addition to giving food to those on the street, I would also bring food to soup kitchens and shelters. There are so many people that must live on the streets or in cars. These people have no shelter and no means of food. While I cannot provide a home for all, I can easily manage to give the homeless and hungry a meal.
      After walking through New York City, I would then branch out out to the surrounding communities around where I live. I want to help those who need it and are within and close yo my community. After I find who is in need of food, or anything affordable that I can help provide, I will bring those items to there home or wherever they are currently residing. I would need no recognition for the deeds I have done therefore, the invisibility cloak would be perfect in completing this good deed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


          If I were able to add a class to our school curriculum, I would add criminology. Although Wood-Ridge High School does offer forensic science, criminology is a completely different class. Criminology is concerned with the social and psychological aspect of crimes rather than scientific aspects. Students will study topics such as causes of crimes, effects of crimes on society, criminal profiling, and types of crimes.  To demonstrate their understanding of each of these aspects, real crimes will be studied and reproduced. Data from these crimes will be compiled and analyzed to conclude how each particular crime effected society and the individual. As a final project, a crime produced in class, giving the students roles individual roles, will be carried out and solved.
        The class would meet three times a week for an hour at a time. This will allow for more time for learning, the recreation of crimes, and for recollection of classes. Possibly, a crime can be set up to involve both the forensic science and criminology students. In this case the criminology students would be responsible for interrogations, interviews, and behavioral analysis.

Maya: Personal Robot

Robotbase robot

Robotbase's new technology is a personal assistant, photographer, butler and home security guard all in one. Robotbase is a a robotics company in New York City that is developing a personal robot that can perform a variety of daily functions such as everything from turning on lights to managing social calendars. The bot can even read a bedtime story to your kids, and adjust the color of the room's lighting based on the story's mood. The new personal robot has a wide array of capabilities. It can recognize faces and expressions, or recognize objects around the house and navigate around them automatically. The robot can also recognize speech and respond to requests. The bot can tell you about the news or the weather, play music and schedule meetings.  users can ask it to do things like order takeout, and it will learn their preferences.
Robotbase's prototype bot is a female avatar named Maya, but its makers are working on creating other customizable faces, names and voices.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mimo: Wearable Baby Monitor

Mimo is a onesie that has a built-in monitor that collects data in real time about baby's breathing, temperature, sleep, body position and sends it to a smartphone. A notification can be sent to the smartphone to indicate whether the baby has turned over, woken, or taken a pause in its breathing. 

<script src=''></script>

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Frighteningly Human Robot

At a department store in Tokoyo, an extremely life like robot has been revealed. The robot, named Aiko Chihira, serves as a receptionist.  She helps customers  by using a pre-programmed script.  Aiko's first day on the job was on April 20, 2015. Her skin, hair, and other features make her look extremely human-like.  She will soon be able to speak several languages.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wiki Dissection & CD

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki?
    The purpose of this wiki is to talk about disruptive technology within the classroom. 
2. When was the last post?
   The last post was from June 23, 2010. 

3. How was this Wiki created?
     Someone created an account and began an article on this topic while others collaborated to create a complete article about disruptive innovations being used within the classroom. 

4. What would you add to it?
    I would elaborate more on what "disruptive innovations" are.

5. What did you learn from it?
     I learned that all of the devices that I once though to be helpful within the classroom setting, also had downsides that could potentially be disruptive. 

6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
     If I had to create a Wiki with a team the topic I would chose is Criminology. 

7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?
    Wikis can be used in the classroom or in education to support ideas or to see others opinon and ideas on a certain subject. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wiki Opinion

  • wikipedia is a reliable source to begin research 
  • the video was very helpful 
  • the video explained how wikipedia works
  • i didnt know that wikipedia was edited by people from all over the world 
  • i think that wikipedia should be an acceptable source for research in the classroom

My Spring Break

Over spring break I went to Philadelphia for an overnight volleyball tournament. The tournament was three days long and my team took first place in our bracket.While in at the tournament I met a girl who I will be attending college with next year. In addition to meeting a future peer, I also met the volleyball coach of my college. For the rest of spring break I had softball every day. I either had practice in the morning or a game in the afternoon.

On Saturday, April 11th I visited the college I will be attending in the fall, which is SUNY Cortland. I visited for the accepted students day. While I was there I took a tour of each resident hall to help decide where I would like to dorm in the fall. Additionally, I met my roommate and her sister. Now I know where I am going to dorm and have friends to start off with in August. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

What Does Social Media Say About You (Reflection)

I agree that who you are online should be representative of who you are as a person. If you get people involved with what you post in a positive way, that can help you  in several instances. Fore example if you are looking to start a business, online interaction is important. Although your accounts may be private, you do not know who can see them and for that reason, one should be aware of the repercussions of what they post. Cursing online is an extremely negative action taken on social media because it serves an an indicator to the kid of person that you are. One should use social media for good such as advertisements, employment, or to stay connected with friends and not for something negative such as bullying. Being active in the online and social media community is an important aspect of today's world. Although important, one must be careful of how they are presented online because those who do no personally know you, with make a decision of who you are based on how you are presented online or through social media which, in negatively presented, can greatly effected many aspects of one's life.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Card that will Replace Your Wallet

This cards, named Stratos, will replace your wallet. It can be connected to your smartphone. Additionally, it can combine all of your cards, bank accounts and giftcards onto the one card so there is no need to carry around many cards at once. It can essentially replace your entire wallet.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wearable Drones

Sometime in the near future, drones may become wearable. The drone are anticipated to do everything from be a tour guide through a new city or help you determine the best route while rock climbing. Nixie, the wearable drone, is a camera that launches from the wrist. The function of the drones ranges from helping the owner determine every aspect about the current weather or guding you to the nearest coffee shop. These drones are just a concept in the present but are anticipated to be released in 2030.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Invention to Help the Blind "Read"

                                 New invention could help the blind 'read'
            MIT researchers created a prototype that could help blind people "read" books and other written text without Braille.The prototype is a finger-mounted device that uses a camera to scan text, which is then converted to speech in real time. Researchers came up with two options: a device that used vibrating motors on top and beneath the finger to indicate if it needed to move up or down, and another that issued musical tones as clues. They determined that the motorless option was favorable.The device uses an algorithm to process what the camera perceives. For now, it relies on an attached laptop, but the plan for the next version is to use a phone instead. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

World's First Cyborg

Neil Harbisson is the world's first  cyborg. He had an antenna implanted into his skull which gives him the ability to perceive color.Harbisson was diagnosed with complete color-blindness as a child. Computer scientist Adam Montandon developed what they called the "eyeborg." The apparatus is an antenna attached to a five-kilogram computer and a pair of headphones. The webcam at the end of the antenna translated each color into 360 different sound waves that Harbisson can listen to through headphones. Harbisson's new condition is name: sonochromatopsia, an extra sense that connects colors with sound. Sonochromatopsia makes each color correspond to a specific sound. It took about five weeks to get over the headaches from the sounds of each new color and about five months to be able to decipher each frequency as a particular color he could now hear as a sound.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

Image result for forensic science

 This year I am taking Forensics. The teacher for this course is Miss Larson. Miss Larsen is a new teacher this year and teachers Forensic and seventh grade Biology courses. She, like each teacher, has her own website highlighting the courses she teaches. I begin my day with Forensics because it is my first period class. The class consists of juniors and seniors. What I expected to learn was the basics about each topic found in forensics. Some of the topics I looked forward to learning about included toxicology, finger printing, and blood analysis. So far we have covered topics such as toxicology, finger printing, blood analysis, anthropology, DNA analysis, fiber analysis, impressions, ballistics, and document analysis.

     Miss Larson's grading policy is similar to every other teacher's. An assessment of some sort is given for a grade every week in addition to a classwork and homework grade. If homework is not done ore classwork is not fulfilled a zero is given to the student in the appropriate category. Labs are also conducted and graded in a separate category. The breakdown of grades is as follows: homework 20%, tests 30%, classwork 10%,  quiz 10%, and labs 20%.
Image result for forensic science
     In interesting aspect of the Forensics course is a project, called a famous case, that each student must complete. Each student is assigned a different murder case throughout history and must create a presentation highlighting the case. This allows for extensive research about a part of history that related to the course as well as to share their knowledge with the class. My particular case was about the BTK killerTechnology is used in the presentations of the famous cases. A projector is connected to a laptop to display the presentation on the whiteboard and allow students to share their research and knowledge with their peers.